Scripture: "Ferity, verily, I say unto you, If ye shall ask anything of the Father, in My Name, He will give it you."¡XJOHN xvi. 23.
In our Lord's farewell discourse (John xiii. 17) He presented the life in the dispensation of the Spirit in all its power and attractiveness. One of the most glorious results of the day when the Holy Ghost should come, would be: the new power that man should have to pray down from heaven the power of God to bless the world. Seven times we have the promise repeated: "Whatsoever ye shall desire in My Name, that will I do (John xiv. 13, 14; xv. 7, 16; xvi. 23, 24, 26). Read these passages over, that you may come to understand fully how urgently and earnestly our Lord repeated the promise.
In the power of the perfect salvation that Christ accom¬plished, in the power of His glory with the Father, in the power of the outpouring of the third Person of the Godhead¡Xthe Holy Spirit¡Xto dwell in the hearts of His servants, they would have the unspeakable freedom to ask what they desired of the fulness of the will of God, and it should be done. Everything was included in these few words: "What ye desire, that will I do."
During the ten days before Pentecost, the disciples put this to the proof. In response to their continuous united prayer, the heavens were opened, and the Spirit of God descended to earth to dwell in their hearts, filling them with His life-power. They received the power of the Spirit that they might impart it to thousands. That power is still the pledge for all time of what God will do. If God's children will agree with one accord to wait for the promise of the Father each day, there is no limit to what God will do for them.
O Christian, remember that you are living in the dispensation of the Spirit. That means that the Holy Spirit will dwell in you with heavenly power, enabling you to testify for Him. But it also means that you may unite with God's children to ask in prayer greater and more wonderful things than the heart has conceived.