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Scriptures:Read 2 Kings 2
Key Verse:"Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me."(2 Kings 2:9)

        Elijah's earthly life was coming to a close, but not to death. For more than twenty years he zealously ministered with many miracles and warned Israel to repent and turn away from idolatry. Through some kind of divine revelation, Elijah was made aware of his soon departure. Elisha was also aware of it, as were the sons of the prophets, those whom Elijah probably taught at the school of the prophets (cf. 1 Samuel 19:20).

        From the time of Elisha's calling (1 Kings 19:19-21), he had remained Elijah's faithful follower and was determined to follow him until the end. Three times Elijah tested Elisha's commitment by telling him to stay behind with the others, but Elisha could not be dissuaded. He would therefore be a worthy successor. Elisha showed discretion by telling the sons of the prophets to remain silent (2:3, 5). If the populace found out that something supernatural was going to take place, they would no doubt have wanted to follow Elijah, but this miracle was to be witnessed by Elisha alone. The sons of the prophets followed Elijah for a short distance until the west bank of the Jordan River, where they remained.

        With his mantle, Elijah parted the river so he and Elisha could cross on dry ground. Once before God had parted this same river for the children of Israel as they crossed over to take possession of the Promised Land. Now Elijah was leaving the land of his inheritance to go on to an even greater inheritance.

        Before they parted, Elisha requested that Elijah give him a double portion of his spirit. This was not so that he might be greater than Elijah, but so that he might be his legitimate successor to carry on his prophetic work. The double portion was the right of inheritance for the eldest son (Deuteronomy 21:17). Elisha's request also revealed his earnest desire to be used of God and to grow spiritually. All believers should desire the touch of God's spirit mightily upon their lives that they may be strong in the Lord, like Elijah: a mighty army for His glory.

        Elijah's answer seems to imply that receiving the double portion of his spirit depended upon whether or not God would allow Elisha to see him as he departed. This was something man could not give, but God alone. As they continued walking and talking together in the wilderness, the chariot and horses of fire suddenly appeared to separate Elijah from Elisha, that God might take Elijah up in the whirlwind. The coming of the fiery chariot and horses, which likely represent the defence and army of the Lord, is fitting, since Elijah had been known for calling down the divine fire. He also had been like an army, standing as a strong defence for the sake of the true worship of the Lord (2:12; compare 13:14).

        Elisha did see Elijah's grand departure and received his mantle, indicating that he was Elijah's successor. Three signs confirmed Elisha's new and greater calling: the river that parted for him just as it had for Elijah (2:14); the bitter water of Jericho that he transformed (2:21-22); and the fulfillment of the curse upon the rebellious youths (2:24). This latter story is often misunderstood. They were not little children but a group of irreligious unruly teenagers from Bethel, where Jeroboam had established a centre for idolatry. It seems a school of the prophets was also located there, probably in order to combat idolatry. These youths therefore had been raised in a city of much spiritual conflict and religious rivalry. They saw Elisah wearing Elijah's mantle and must have heard of Elijah's ascension. Whereas Elijah was hairy, Elisha was bald, so they mocked him repeatedly, probably in disbelief: "Go up, you baldhead!" (2:23). It was more than a personal insult to Elisha; he saw their disrespect for God and pronounced a curse upon them. As a prophet, Elisha probably foresaw that if they lived they would bring more mockery upon the name of the Lord. Thus their death would be a service to the nation.

        In the miracle of the water becoming sweet, we see the mercy and kindness of God. Symbolically, we see that through God the rottenness of people can be transformed by His power into something sweet, if they will be obedient to Him. In the death of the youths, however, we see the justice of God upon the rebellious.


        Thank You, Lord, for Your call on Elisha to take the place of Elijah. Please Lord, raise up leaders in Your work from our youth of today. Use us for Your purpose.

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