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Scriptures:Read 1 Chronicles 29
Key Verse:"Then the people rejoiced, for they had offered willingly, because with a loyal heart they had offered willingly to the Lord; and King David also rejoiced greatly."(1 Chronicles 29:9)

        God loves a willing and cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). King David himself set the example for all the people of Israel by giving generously (the equivalent of billions of dollars) and sacrifi-cially from his own pocket toward the large building project for the glory of God. The temple was to be an extra special building, since it was not for mere men but for God Himself. The One and only true God deserved a House unequalled by any other building, temple, or palace ever constructed. Without reservations, David gave a heartfelt appeal for others to give generously unto the Lord, and he would not ask them to do something he himself had not done.

        The leaders of every clan within all the tribes of Israel willingly raised and offered a generous amount of gold, silver, bronze, iron, and precious stones for the work of the House of God. They expressed their loyalty, love, and consecration to God by their willingness to give, which resulted in great rejoicing (29:5, 9). This occasion reminds us of Israel's giving when Moses made an appeal for the tabernacle (Exodus 36:3-7). Both occasions were marked with much joy. When the Lord's people give to Him, joy fills their hearts.

        David not only received personal joy in giving, but he was also filled with joy to see his subjects giving to God. This joy prompted his spontaneous and beautiful prayer of thanksgiving in which he expressed God's majesty and sovereignty. His praise to God constitutes the end of the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:13): "Yours, O Lord, is the...power and the glory, .. .Yours is the kingdom, O Lord" (29:11). David rightly understood that he, although a king, owned nothing, because everything really belongs to God. David was but a steward over that which God had entrusted to him. Giving unto the Lord, then, is actually fulfilling our duty to offer back to God that which is His and with which He has blessed us (cf. Luke 17:10).

        David closed his prayer by asking that God would forever cause His people (applying also to believers today) to have this same spirit of generosity in giving with a willing heart that is fixed upon Him (29:18). Everyone's response was to worship the Lord and offer Him animal sacrifices, symbolizing their own consecration and God's atonement for His people. With many peace offerings, the people also joined together in a happy feast before the Lord.

        The chronicler then tells us that for the second time they anointed Solomon as king, yet he gives no details of the first time. The book of Kings was already well known, and his readers were aware of the hasty first anointing of Solomon under the pressure of Adonijah's revolt (1 Kings 1:39). This public ceremony to confirm Solomon's right to the throne was important because of his disputed succession. The priest Zadok was also anointed as the sole legitimate high priest, since Abiathar, with whom Zadok had previously shared the office of high priest, had been disqualified by plotting against God's chosen king with the usurper Adonijah (1 Kings 1:5, 7; 2:26-27). Our Lord is in control of those in leadership; He lifts up and takes down.

        After David had settled all matters of importance, he died full of honour at the age of 70 (cf. 2 Samuel 5:4). He passed a peaceful and wealthy kingdom over to his well-respected son Solomon, but, more importantly, he passed on a godly heritage.

        David invested his wealth into the work of God. He knew it was important to build a place of worship which would unify, edify, and strengthen the faith of the people, as well as save the people by providing them with atonement from their sins through the animal sacrifices. Although David could not be the actual builder of God's House, he did what he could; he gave.

        In our giving to the work of God, we also invest in the lives of people and expand the kingdom of God. Our giving expresses a heart-felt gratitude to God for all He has done for us. By our giving, the condition of our heart is tested (29:17), and more than the quantity, it is the motivation and reason for giving that counts. Giving is a duty of every believer, and how much more precious is a gift when it is a sacrifice. There is truly joy and blessing in giving to the Lord's work.


        Lord, we are thankful for the privilege of giving. Help us to give to Your work with the same Spirit as did David and the others. In the Name of the giver of life itself, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

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