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Scriptures:Read Genesis 6 & 7
Key Verse:“And Noah did according to all that the Lord commanded him.”(Genesis 7:5 )

        Wickedness spread throughout the land as the “Son of God” took as wives the “daughters of men”. The most likely interpretation for this is that the men from the godly line of Seth corrupted themselves by not keeping pure and separate from the sinful and worldly line of Cain, so they were pulled down, which is the usual outcome of association with the sinful. We are taught to remain separated form the sinful things of the world (James 1:27; 4:4). In Genesis 6:2 we read they were beautiful, but his alone should be no criterion for marriage. Great wickedness resulted from these marriages, for from the offspring came giants who ruled with great strength and who led the people into sin and ultimate ruin. The earth was filled with violence and evil. The people continued in their sinful ways, not heeding the warnings of Noah. Jesus likened the end times before His coming to how it was in the days of Noah.

        Only Noah remained untainted by the sin of the world, for it is written of him that he “walked with God” (verse 9), as did his forefather Enoch. To walk with God means to be in total agreement and communion with Him. As such, Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. All the instructions God gave to him concerning the ark were obeyed exactly and without question. Noah put his faith into action, even though it caused him to be the object of ridicule by those who disbelieved. Building the ark was a tremendous project which took over 100 years to accomplish. Its length was that of one and a half football fields, and its height was that of three storey building. After its completion, a pair (male and female) of unclean animals and seven compelled by God. The reason for the seven of the clean animals would be to provide food and to have an extra one to sacrifice unto the Lord.

        The ark represents God’s holiness and justice. The judgment of God became necessary, for their sin was too much for His Holiness to contend with any longer. In His judgments, however, the Lord will never let the righteous perish with the wicked, so He planned a way of escape for Noah and his family. The ark also represents God’s mercy and love, not only to Noah but to those who perished as well, for He gave them over 100 years of grace to repent before the fold waters began to cover the whole face of the earth. The ark is a symbol of God’s free gift of salvation, for its doors were open for any who believed to enter and receive protection from the destruction of the world. In the same way, we can receive salvation freely by approaching the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ and thus be secure and hid with Him, protected and covered by His precious blood.


        Our God and Father, may none of our family be left behind when You close the door of mercy. By Your grace, please bring millions more into Your ark of safety. We praise You for Your righteous judgment.

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