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Scriptures:Read Exodus 26
Key Verse:“Then you shall bring the ark of the Testimony in there, behind the veil. The veil shall be a divider for you between the holy place and the Most Holy.”(Exodus 26:33 )

         There is much symbolic significance throughout the chapters which deal with the tabernacle. The Lord describes in detail exactly how everything should be done, thus showing the importance of the tabernacle and tent which covered it. God gave Moses the pattern for them while he was on Mount Sinai for the period of forty days, and instructed him to follow the pattern exactly as he had shown him. God may have revealed it to Moses through a vision, or, since we know God Himself inscribed the ten commandments, it is possible that He may have sketched the tabernacle and its articles for Moses, as well as verbally explaining them (26:30; Acts 7:44; Heb. 8:5). Everything was to be made with great beauty.

         The Lord who created the beautiful would for mankind was also interested that His people create a beautiful dwelling for Him among them.
The Lord desires that our lives, the temple in which dwells His Holy Spirit, have inner beauty and be pure (1 Corinthians 6:19). In the same manner, the tabernacle and tent which covered it are symbolic of Jesus Christ. On the inside, the tabernacle was incredibly beautiful, but the exterior tent, although much larger, very well made, having more layers (including one middle layer dyed red which may symbolize blood and life), and of the best quality, was rough and common looking (Isaiah 53:2). The magnificence could not be seen from the outside, only upon entrance was the awesomeness to be experienced. Likewise, those who have not entered into the life of Christ do no see the full beauty of it.

         The layers of the tent served to provide insulation and were to be provided in obedience to God, even though they may have not understood why it was to be done in this particular way, for example: why have an unseen layer of ram’s skin dyed red? There may be times when we do not understand the reasoning behind God’s instructions, however we must obey. Our finite minds cannot fathom the workings of the mind of God, but we can rest assured He has a good reason. The Outermost layer of the tent, made of some sort of very fine leather, provided a waterproof protection in times of bas weather.

         God instructed that the curtains and veils be made of fine linen thread which was most probably cleansed to be pure white, for only the best and purest quality could be symbolic of the perfection of Christ. The blue, purple, and scarlet may represent Christ’s heavenly origin, royalty, and the blood He shed to cover us and cleanse us from our sins. In the book Revelation we find beautiful color such as these used to describe the breathtaking heavenly glory. The cherubim signify the presence of God and His holiness.

         The most lovely and elaborate veil was the one between the holy place and the Most Holy Place. It served as a divider to ensure privacy and was a symbol of exclusion. No man on his own merit could pass beyond it into the Most Holy presence of God. Only once a year, on the day of atonement, the high priest was permitted to enter and only if he was sprinkled with the blood of the sacrifice as propitiation for himself and all the people. With the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the partition of the veil in the Temple at Jerusalem was ripped in two from top to bottom by the power God,, signifying that the all-sufficient sacrifice had been made once and for all. Believers can now boldly approach the throne of God covered by the precious blood of Jesus, yet still there must be reverence for God’s holiness.

         Praise the Lord that the way has been opened into His presence!


         Thank You, Lord, that through Your Cross the veil of separation was torn from top to bottom. Now we enter the Holy of Holies to pray. Hallelujah!

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