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Scriptures:Read 2 Samuel 16&17
Key Verse:"For the Lord had purposed to defeat the good counsel to Ahithophel, to...bring disaster on Absalom."(2 Samuel 17:14)

        As David was starting out on his journey through the wilderness to escape from Absalom, Ziba, the servant of Mephibosheth (9:9-10), came with supplies. He desired to win the favour of David, and lied about his master's aspirations to the throne in hopes of personal gain (16:3-4; 19:24-30). David did not detect the fabrication of his story, for if his own son and trusted counsellor betray him, why not Mephibosheth too?

        Along the way, David also met Shimei, a man of the house of Saul, who heaped terrible insults at him. To say such things to a king was punishable by death, yet David would not allow his men to kill Shimei (16:10-11; 19:18-23). He was willing to accept the insults as a part of the punishment for his sin and was open to the possibility that God may have chosen to remove him as king, for as of yet it was uncertain (15:26). David was content to leave things in the hands of God, believing that if he suffered this cursing and humilation silently, then if God saw fit, He would ultimately reward Him.

        While David was fleeing eastward toward the Jordan River, Absalom had come into the royal city and sought counsel from Ahithophel, his co-conspirator and David's former advisor, it was usual for kings to have wise advisors around them (Proverbs 22:6, 8), but Athitophel's advice was not wisdom from above but rather "earthly, sensual, and demonic" (James 3:13-18).

        Ahithophel advised Absalom to take his father's concubines whom David had left behind in Jerusalem (15:16). This would be a sign to all the people that Absalom had taken over power and was now proclaiming himself as king. This was the greatest insult to David, and since it was done so openly, it was in fulfillment of Nathan's prophecy (12:11-12).

        Now David had shrewdly sent his faithful advisor Hushai to Absalom as a spy. Although Absalom was suspicious of him, at first Hushai convinced him of his loyalty. Actually, Hushai was there in answer to David's prayer that God would "turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness" (15:31). We, like David, need to pray that the evil plans of Satan against us will be frustrated by God's continual intervention.

        Using his keen military insight. Ahitophel advised Absalom to make an immediate attack on David. This would have meant sure defeat for David and his men, who were weary and disorganized from a hasty retreat. But God, who is always in control, would not allow this to happen. Because of the importance of the decision and his uncertainty, Absalom also turned to Hushai for advice. Hushai told him that Ahithophel's advice wa snot good and emphasized the risks involved with following it. Playing on Absalom's egotism, he suggested they wait to rally more of his supporters, then they would see sure victory. Absalom agreed with Hushai's advice which was actually God's way of protecting and delivering David (17:14, Proverbs 21:30).

        According to the plan, Hushai sent word to David through the priest's sons who were cleverly hidden at En Rogel, a spring at the southern end of the Kidron valley outside the city walls of Jerusalem. David, now aware of his son's intentions, hurried to cross the Jordan in case Absalom changed his mind about the delay.
Ahithophel was clever enough to know that since Absalom did not take his counsel, it would mean defeat. He realized that if he faced David again, he would be humiliated and put to death as a traitor. Like Jusas, who betrayed Jesus, he hung himself (Matthew 27:5; Psalm 55 is likely about Ahithophel).

        Meanwhile, God was taking care of David to bring him and all those with him safely to a place of refuge in Mahaniam, where Ishbosheth had previously set up his capital (2:8). This is also where Jacob had seen the vision of the encampment of the Lord's army (Genesis 32:2). Truly, the army of the Lord was also with David to protect him. God provided for David's needs through three of his supporters who generously brought much food. They were serving the Lord by being kind to David.


        Dear Lord, we praise You for the wise counsel of godly pastors, accountants, lawyers, and others. Help us always to seek the wisdom from above and check out advice with Your Word which says, "In the multitude of consellors there is safety" (Prov. 11:14).

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