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Scriptures:Read 2 Samuel 7&8
Key Verse:"He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever."(2 Samuel 7:13)

        Under David's leadership, the nation of Israel had a regained interest in the worship of God, as is evident in the bringing of the Ark of the Covenant to a place of prominence (6:15). However, David felt that since he had a beautiful palace (built by Phoenecian craftsmen; 5:11) it was not fitting that the Ark of the Lord, the throne of their heavenly King, should be housed in a tent.

        David had contemplated this matter during a time when God had given him peace from the surrounding enemies (7:1). This was probably after the military victories recorded in chapter eight. Under David's reign of justice (8:15) and obedience to the divine King, God caused the small insignificant nation of Israel to become the most powerful kingdom on earth. They subjected the Philistines, Moabites, Syrians, Edomites, Ammonites, and Amalekites. From them they gained great wealth, not only from the spoil and the natural resources in these conquered areas, but also from their tribute of silver, gold, and bronze, which were dedicated to the Lord (8:11) and no doubt reserved for the building of the temple. The book of Samuel was not written chronologically but rather topically; therefore, we read of David's desire to build the temple to house the Ark after he brought it up to Jerusalem.

        David was careful to enquire of the Lord before he took any action. Many people have ideas to do something for the Lord, but they must first be sure those ideas are approved by God. The prophet Nathan, who played an important role in the life of David, was the instrument through whom God conveyed His will to David and gave great and wonderful promises to David which are elsewhere in Scripture referred to as a covenant (23:5, Psalm 89:3-4). We refer to it as the Davidic Covenant.

        David was informed that God did not approve of his building the temple; rather, He promised that his son, who would succeed him, would be the builder. David's reign was one of much war, since he had been commissioned by God to bring about Israel's deliverance from their enemies. Conversely, Solomon's reign was peaceful, a much better time to build a house for the Lord. David came to understand this probably near the end of his life (1 Chronicles 22:8; 28:3).

        With beautiful expressive words, the Lord repeated three times the promise to David that He would build a house for David and that his house, kingdom, and throne would last forever (7:13, 16). This revelation of God was only partly fulfilled by Solomon, who succeeded David on the throne and built a temple for the Lord, yet it is impossible for an earthly kingdom to last forever. Only when David's lineage is linked with Jesus, the Messiah from the line of David, can there truly be a dynasty that will last forever. This covenant, then, finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ, the great Son of David (Isaiah 9:6-7; Luke 1:31-33; Acts 3:29-33; 13:22-23; Hebrews 1:5).

        God's gracious covenant to David was unconditional (7:14-15), guaranteeing that He would indeed bring to mankind a righteous King from the line of David who would bring salvation. God kept His promise in sending Jesus, whose earthly lineage was traced back to David. Jesus is still, and will ever be, on the throne. Hallelujah! He shall reign forever and ever!

        David responded with awe and wonder at the undeserved favour God had shown him. His prayer reflects his humility and gratitude to God for such wonderful grace. Although David did not fully understand all the implications of God's promises, he still surrendered to God's will and trusted Him to bring them to pass.


        Thank You, Lord, for the Son of David's line, Jesus of Nazareth. Because He is King of kings, we have the privilege of being His subjects. Your covenant with David goes on, O Lord. Make us good citizens of Jesus' Kingdom, establishing forever the line of David.

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