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Scriptures:Read Ruth 3 &4
Key Verse:"So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife;... the Lord gave her conception and she bore a son."(Ruth 4:13, 15)

        Naomi's new-found hope, resulting from the interest Boaz had shown in Ruth, led her to plan for Ruth's future welfare as well as her own. Since Ruth was a Moabitess, Naomi no doubt explained to her the law regarding the kinsman-redeemer, which involved the marriage institution (a brother or close kinsman was to marry the widow and raise up a child to perpetuate the name and inheritance of the deceased, Deuteronomy 25:5-6).

        Ruth followed Naomi's instructions exactly and appealed to his obligation as kinsman to marry her. Her method seems strange to us today; however, it was the proper and acceptable procedure of their day, involving nothing immoral or questionable. The honourable characters of both Ruth and Boaz were above reproach. From their first meeting, Boaz was impressed with Ruth's conduct and showed her tremendous respect.

        Naomi's plan was successful. Boaz was pleased to oblige them; however, there was one obstacle. Possibly Naomi was not aware that there was yet a nearer kinsman who, according to the order of succession, had the first right to assume the responsibility of kinsman-redeemer. Boaz, in the official manner before witnesses, cleverly presented the twofold responsibility to this man. It is not surprising that he declined, for the expenditure involved would have lessened the material possessions that he could pass on to his own heir. But Boaz was unselfishly willing to come to Ruth and Naomi's rescue and protection, no matter what the cost. After the legal transfer of responsibility, symbolized by the giving of the sandal, Boaz declared that he would redeem all that belonged to his deceased relative, as well as redeem Ruth as his wife. The people's response of blessings upon the new couple and Naomi showed their great pleasure and approval of what had transpired. It also showed their acceptance of Ruth, the Moabitess, as one of their own, one whom God had already accepted because of her commitment to Him.

        God honoured Ruth for leaving behind the ungodly life in Moab to sacrificially and faithfully serve Him among His people. From being a lowly gleaner and a poor widow, she became the wife of a noble and prosperous man in Bethlehem. They became the great grandparents of Israel's most famous king, David. They were chosen, according to God's plan, to preserve the Davidic line of the divinely promised seed which had been threatened during Israel's rebellious period of the judges. What a great honour and a blessing for them to be in the genealogy of Jesus, Israel's Messiah and the hope for the world. Ruth, as well as Tamar (Genesis 38) and Rahab, the mother of Boaz (Joshua 2:1; Matthew 1:5), were all Gentile women whom God had chosen to be in the lineage of Christ. This clearly illustrates God's wonderful love and grace extended to all people of all nationalities.

        The Lord's people today can be confident that He lovingly cares for them and will work out even the most personal details in their lives according to His purpose, just as he did for Naomi and Ruth. Boaz's unselfish act of redemption brought alive, through the birth of Obed, the family line of Elimelech which had been considered dead and lost. It gave them hope, joy, fulfillment, and rest. These same wonderful results come from our redemption through Jesus Christ! Just as Boaz paid the sacrificial price and was successful in bringing their redemption, so our Lord Jesus Christ, in His grace, brought redemption for the whole world at the greatest possible sacrifice — His own life. He brought us out of the depths of poverty and enslavement to sin into a high position of freedom and joy as His own children!


        Lord Jesus, You are the Kinsman-Redeemer. We give ourselves to You. You have redeemed us by Your precious blood. Thank You for Your payment in full so that we are now Yours. Help us to honour You with our lives.

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