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Scriptures:Read Proverbs 2 &3
Key Verse:"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."(Proverbs 3:5-6)

        Solomon begins the second lesson in chapter 2 by telling his student of the benefits that follow a diligent search for wisdom. If, with his whole heart, he earnestly seeks wisdom (which includes discernment and understanding), zealously seeking as though it were hidden treasure, then he would learn that it only comes from God. His search would lead him to understand the fear of God, and thus come to know God personally. We too must make it our goal to attain wisdom by going to the Lord who is glad to give wisdom to those who seek Him and ask for it (James 1:5). He will protect, guard, and preserve His children to whom He has given wisdom, as they walk the path of righteousness.

        When wisdom is treasured in one's heart, it results in spiritual strength. The believer is given discretion and understanding, which will serve to deliver him from evil. He will be able to discern the tricks of the enemy and know when there is a distortion of truth; thus he will be preserved from such evils that are practiced by the perverse man and the seductive adulteress. A life of immorality is very dangerous — "for the wages of sin is death" (Rom. 6:23). This same verse in the Book of Romans ends on the same note as does this chapter of Proverbs: "but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord." Those who are upright and keep to the paths of righteousness will "dwell in the land" and "remain in it" (2:21). This refers to their inheritance within the Promised Land, but it ultimately means that the pure in heart will dwell in the glorious eternal inheritance of heaven, whereas the wicked will have no part in it (3:35).

        In Proverbs 3, Solomon asks his student to keep his commands in his heart. His commands are actually the commands of God which Solomon has claimed as his own and is teaching. Note the blessing which results from keeping the Word of God: a long and peaceful life (3:2; Deut. 8:1). As Solomon stresses, God's word (His mercy and truth) is to be kept in the believer's heart (3:1, 3). We are not merely to perform outward acts of obedience and have only a head knowledge of the Word of God; it must come from within our hearts. When God's Word is an integral part within us, then we will not sin against Him, and we will find favour and honour in the sight of God and man (3:4).

        The famous verse, "trust in the Lord with all your heart", assures believers that if they trust God wholeheartedly rather than relying on their own intellect and finite wisdom, they will be blessed with God's guidance. If we truly fear God, we will recognize Him in all we do, and then He will keep us on the right track (3:5-6). He will also bless us with health, prosperity, and life. Fearing God means that we obey Him and do all we can to please and honour Him. As Solomon instructed, one way to honour God is to give Him our tithes and offerings, which really belong to God anyway, like the first-fruits (Ex. 22:29; Deut. 18:4). If we do so, He promises to bless us with prosperity (Deut. 28:2, 8), which in the New Testament period means primarily the prosperity of the soul, as it is far more important than material wealth.

        Even chastisement is a blessing from the Lord. Since He loves His people, He corrects them as a good and loving Father would correct his child. The purpose of some afflictions is that God's children might not follow the wrong path that leads to death but that, in turning to God, they might find wisdom and treasure her above any other thing. Because they trust in God, they will not be caught in the net of the wicked, nor do they need to fear or worry about anything (3:25-26). This is the truly blessed kind of life that is available to all people. Pray that others will listen and turn to the voice of wisdom that is calling out to them and know this voice is the voice of Jesus our Lord (cf. 1:20-23).


        Gracious Lord, we acknowledge You in every area of our lives, because without You we are nothing. Thank You for Your wonderful promise to guide us as we keep You at the very top of our priorities. And though Your ways may conflict with our limited understanding, still we will trust You.

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