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Scriptures:Read Deuteronomy 34
Key Verse:“But since then there has not arisen in Israel a prophet like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.”(Deuteronomy 34:10)

        After blessing the tribes, Moses, at the age of 120, climbed Mount Nebo alone, as God had commanded him. He did not resist which he had been called was faithfully completed and now he was prepared to meet the Lord.

        God did not permit Moses to enter Canaan as a judgment for his sin (Num.20:12; 27:14). God did, however, allow him to view it from afar. Moses not only had vigor, but his eyes were still strong (v.7). From the top of Mount Nebo the naked eye can see quite a distance on a clear day, from the snow-capped peaks of Mount Hermon to the hills around Jerusalem, and even to the southern part of the Dead Sea. However, the Western or Mediterranean Sea cannot be seen; for this God must have miraculously given Moses an extra vies. What a thrill and a joy it must have been for Moses to see the land God had promised as an inheritance for Israel. He had longed to enter that Promised Land, yet now he must have had a tremendous peace, being so close to God and about to enter a better, more glorious land.

        “So Moses the servant of the Lord died… according to the word of the Lord” (v.5). Could there ever be a more peaceful and happy death? God not only honored Moses while he was alive, but in his death also, for God Himself buried Moses (v.6). The people never knew the site of his grave, but this was for the best. People tend to elevate great leaders, especially after their dearth; in some cases it gets carried to the point of idolatry. Moses would have been abhorred if they had done this to him, for in all his life of service to God, he had fervently fought against this very thing.

        The task was now taken up by Joshua. God had also equipped him to lead the people by giving him the gift of wisdom. This was essential for leading such a people. Moses had publicly laid his hands on Joshua to show the transfer of authority and responsibility. Since the people respected Moses and his choice for a successor, they heeded Joshua (v.9).

        Though he was quite capable, Joshua was not like Moses. Moses was truly the greatest of Israel’s prophets (Num.12:6-8) and one of the greatest men in history, yet at one time he was a timid shepherd that confessed: “Who am I that I should go… and… bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” (Ex.3:11). By the power of God, Moses was changed and became bold as he exercised his faith. Through Him, God brought about many great signs and wonders, as well as the miracle of the exodus.

        Moses had an intimate relationship with God that was unknown to others, for “the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend” (Ex.33:11). He gave Israel the wonderful gift of God’s Law and covenant and gave words of prophecy, which pointed to Jesus. He was truly God’s agent and spokesman. Even after his death, God still had work for Moses to do in His kingdom. He was privileged to stand beside Jesus in the promised Land on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt.17:1-4), and one day he will again be honored when the saints sing “the song of Moses, the servant of God” (Rev.15:3)

        Until the coming of Jesus Christ, no one was superior to Moses (see Heb.3:1-6). The writer to the Hebrews explains that Moses was faithful as a “servant”… “But Christ as a Son over His own house” (Heb.3:5-6). Jesus fulfilled the law that Moses gave; He also brought with Him a new and better covenant, one full of grace and truth (Heb.6:8; John 1:17).


        Holy God, we thank You for the privileged access we have, through Jesus, into Your presence. Oh that we might draw so close to You that we, like Moses, could talk with You “face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.”

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