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Scriptures:Read Genesis 18 & 19
Key Verse:“Then Abraham answered and said, ‘Indeed now, I who am but dust and ashes have taken it upon myself to speak to the Lord’.”(Genesis 18:27 )

         How excited Abraham was to offer hospitality and welcome into his tent three visitors from the Lord. As soon as he saw them, he knew they were no ordinary men, so he ran out and prostrated himself before them and addressed one of them as ‘his Lord’. Once again, the Lord reassured Abraham of the son he and Sarah would have. The tent was normally divided into two, as in some Bedouin tents today; one which was open for guests and another was closed and more private. Sarah was likely inside the more private half of the tent listening to their conversation. Sarah laughed in disbelief when she heard them announce that she would have a son, for she was far past the age of bearing a child, and then she lied, denying that she had laughed. She was rebuked fro it and told that nothing is impossible for the Lord.

         We also see here the amazing friendship between Abraham and the Lord who said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing… For I have known him” (meaning for a long time they have been close friends)”. When God shared His plans with Abraham concerning Sodom and Gomorrah, we see the great love and compassion that Abraham had for the sinful souls in those cities. He interceded on their behalf, Knowing the moral attributes of God, Abraham knew He would never let the righteous perish with the wicked, so he bargained with God to spare the cities if there be just 10 righteous among them. The two angels went to Sodom and found Lot sitting at the gate, meaning he was probably involved in politics and in the leadership of Sodom. Knowing the evil of the city, Lot insisted that the angels enter into his house and stay for the night. At night the men of the city, both young and old, perverted and full of lust came to Lot’s house to force him to give them the strangers that they might sexually abuse them. The blatant, open wickedness was more than our Holy God could bear. Destruction was the only fitting judgment for them.

         The angels rushed Lot, his wife and two daughters out of the city to flee for their lives. Several things revealed the carnality of Lot, who represents the carnal, compromising believer, whereas Abraham represents the godly, spiritual believer. Lot was living in an evil place and keeping company with sinful, worldly people. This can have a bad effect on those trying to follow the Lord. Lot’s problem was that he remained silent and did not try to influence his community to walk in the ways of the Lord, thus he was living in the wrong place (see 2 Peter 2:6-8), He did the wrong thing in offering his two virgin daughters to the wicked men: he had been influenced by the wickedness of the society. He even allowed his other daughters to marry men of Sodom who did not do what was right, for they disrespectfully ignored his warning to them. Then, his insistence to glee to the small city of Zoar, he was worldly-minded. Ironically, the mountain is where Lot ended up because he was afraid to live in the city of Zoar.

         As well, Lot’s wife was caught up with the lifestyle of Sodom and, although she followed the angel and fled, her heart remained there, so when she looked back with longing she became a pillar of salt. Jesus reminded us of this sad incident in Luke 17:32. The wicked lifestyle in the city of Sodom affected his daughters as well, for they committed an awful sin in getting their father drunk so as to conceive children from him. Their descendants of those offspring were the Moabites and the Amonites who became constant enemies of the children of Israel. Lot’s compromising and carnal life led to the destruction of his family and all he had worked for in Sodom. His high position ad prosperity were in vain, for he lost everything.

         We should be as Abraham, thinking spiritually and living humbly before God, rather than as Lot. Jesus likened the days before His coming to how it was In the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, when their wickedness reached heaven. We are living in a similar day such as that, filled with blatant sin. May the Lord Help us not to be conformed to this world and to not compromise with the world. Although we live in the world, we are not to love and participate in the ungodliness of the world, but if we do the will of God we will abide forever (1 John 2:15-17).


         Lord, help us not to be conformed to this world and not to compromise with the world. Praise You for Your gift of overcoming power. By faith we experience Your strength to overcome.

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