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Scriptures:Read Deuteronomy 25 & 26
Key Verse:“So you shall rejoice in every good thing which the Lord your God has given to you and your house…”(Deuteronomy 26:11)

        Since mankind was made in the image of God, he is never to be deprived of his individual human dignity, even when being punished for crime. Moses regulated corporal punishment with this thought in mind; the sanctity of the individual. Any punishment was to be preceded by a legal and fair trial presided over by a judge, resulting in a just and deserving sentence. The punishment was to be personally supervised by the judge himself. The severity of the beating depended upon the offense, but Moses ruled that it was never to exceed 40 lashes (the number representing judgment). Justice was not only to be based upon the law but upon mercy as well (for God is loving and merciful), that the offender, while being punished, might not be humiliated (25:3). Later we see that the Jews kept the letter of this law, but not the same spirit (2 Cor.11:23-24).

        The next law Moses propounded was that Israel was not to muzzle an ox while it was working. It is true we are to be compassionate to animals, yet, as the Apostle Paul asked concerning the intent of this law, “is it oxen God is concerned about? (1 Cor.9:9). As well as taking this literally, we see it is a proverbial expression meaning: “the laborer is worthy of his wages” (1 Tim. 5:18). Paul was referring to the minister and teacher of the Word who deserves to partake of the offerings to God.

        Moses expounded upon the role of the kinsman-redeemer who was not only to redeem a brother’s lost inheritance, but also to provide for him an heir by taking his window as a wife if he died before having a child. In such a way, the kinsman would be obeying God, keeping harmony in the family and the community and, most importantly, perpetuating the brother’s name and inheritance within Israel. This was the honorable and loving thing to do for a deceased brother, yet it was not compulsory (25:7). If the kinsman refused, the widowed wife had the right to publicly shame him. Removing his sands attested to his shirked responsibility (see Ruth 4:7) and he would be like an outcast in the community. An important implication of this law is clearly seen in the story of Ruth, the widowed Moabites who married her deceased husband’s kinsman, Boaz, perpetuating the line of the Messiah (Ruth 4:17; Matt.1:5).

        Moses sought to ensure the integrity of business affairs within Israel by warning against the use of unjust measures. A deceitful and covetous man would often carry two sets of weights in his bag: a large weight (literally “stone”) for buying and a lighter one for selling (cf. Amos 8:5). This wicked practice was an abomination to the Lord. It did not show love for one’s neighbor… only love for self. However, the honest and honorable businessman, having perfect and just weights, was promised a long life in the land.

        In chapter 26, Moses turned the people’s attention to an important area of worship once they were settled in the Promised Land. They were to come to God’s central sanctuary and offer Him their first-fruits (thus providing for the priesthood, Num.18:12-13). With thankful hearts they were to make a public confession of faith in God and attest to their humble origin, to God’s mighty deliverance, to their dependence upon Him, and to God’s goodness in giving them the land. Along with their presentation of the offering to the Lord, the worshippers were too rejoice (key verse, 26:11), always remembering that all good things come from the Lord, including themselves.

        Another act of worship was in faithfully giving a special tithe every third year to help provide for the Levites, strangers, orphans, and widows (26:12). It too was accompanied by a confession of faith and a petition for God’s continued favor and blessing. Giving generously to the work of God acknowledges that He is the Source and Giver of all good things and expresses thankfulness for His blessings.

        Moses ended this discourse by a ratification of the covenant in which Israel promised to obey their God (26:16-19). God then graciously and mercifully acknowledged Israel as His own special and holy people and promised the blessings of the covenant to the faithful: “He will set you high above all nations… in praise, in name, and in honor…” (26:19). The New Covenant followers of Jesus today have been granted the same mercies and blessings from God: “But you are… a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Pet.2:9).


        Lord God, we praise You today, knowing that all good things come from You. Thank You for the New Covenant You’ve given us through the blood of Jesus. May we accept and be faithful to this eternal agreement.

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