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         上帝應許他們,如果他們順服祂,埃及人所遭遇的疾病就不會臨到他們身上。除了應許之外,上帝也啟示祂自己為「耶和華拉法」(Jehovah Rapheh):耶和華醫治。上帝的百姓可以倚賴祂的醫治,正如祂治好了苦水一樣。





Scriptures:Read Exodus 14
Key Verse:“You in Your mercy have led forth the people whom You have redeemed; You have guided them in Your strength to Your holy habitation.” (Exodus 15:13)

         What a beautiful song of praise unto the Lord! It is a victory song of deliverance. God’s character and mighty deeds are lifted up in thanksgiving. After seeing their miraculous salvation by His hand in crossing the sea, the Lord’s triumph over the proud Pharaoh and the destruction of their enemies, the children of Israel had good reason to worship the Lord with great joy. They must have stood in awe and reverence of His Holiness and power. God alone received all the glory, for the people acknowledged their helplessness without Him.

         Moses’ song is a beautiful example of Hebrew poetry in which each phrase or line is repeated in similar words in the next line, or sometimes two thoughts are contrasted. “I will praise Him” and “I will exalt Him” is a typical example from verse two. Most of this poem is in the same fashion of synonymous parallel structure.

         Verse 8 clearly states that the waters parted, heaped up, and the bottom was “congealed” (i.e. became firm), caused by the supernatural power of God, and not by some natural phenomenon. The Lord is described as a warrior who, in His mercy and loving kindness, fought the battle for His children and was triumphant over all the Egyptian gods and Pharaoh. It is also a song of prophecy. The Lord will lead them, because of His mercy, to His holy habitation (15:13). This is Mount Sinai or Horeb, where God appeared to Moses in the burning bush and where He would once again appear to give the Ten Commandments. The surrounding nations of Palestina (the Philistines), Edom (descendants of Esau), and Moab (from Lot, Gen. 19:36-37) will fear God’s power as His people whom He has “purchased” (redeemed, brought back from slavery) pass through their territory (15:16). The Lord will lead them and “plant” (firmly establish) them in the mountain of His inheritance which is Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, the sight of the future Temple (15:17). The song ends on a glorious note expressing God’s eternal kingship (15:18). We need to understand that God has always and will always continue to be in control.

         After Moses’ song, his sister Miriam joyfully joined in leading the women in song and dance unto the Lord. It seems the first verse of the song was repeated as the chorus (15:1, 21), and she sang in answer to the men. She was called a prophetess because the Lord used her in a leadership capacity (Micah 6:4).

         God continued to lead Israel to a place of testing: to the bitter waters of Marah (meaning bitter). The people complained against Moses rather than trusting in God. Moses prayed and the Lord immediately gave him instructions. Moses was a good example: it is better to pray rather than complain. God changed the natural element into the supernatural (cf. John 9:6). The bitter water was not replaced, but became sweet, not because of a certain quality of the tree, but by the power of God. This demonstrated God’s care and love for His people and would help them to develop character.

         God promised them that if they were obedient to Him, they would not be touched with the diseases that struck the Egyptians. Along with this promise He gave new revelation of Himself asJehovah Rapheh”, the Lord who heals. God’s people can depend upon Him for their healing just as He healed the bitter water.

         Following this short trial came a longer period of rest at Elim, an oasis in the wilderness, a perfect place to set up camp. God’s loving kindness is abundant! He will always provide the needs of His children!


         Thank You, Lord God, for Your provisions for an oasis in the wilderness. Please keep us faithful “Day unto Day” to our Bible reading and prayer.

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