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Scriptures:Read Exodus 39
Key Verse:“Then Moses looked over all the work, and indeed they had done it; as the Lord had commanded… And Moses blessed them.”(Exodus 39:43 )

         Finally the holy priestly garments were carefully made, giving full care to details in their preparation. In reading about the way they were made, we find that it corresponds to the original instructions given by God to Moses (Ex. 28). Here, more then in any other passage concerning the article involved in the tabernacle, we are told that upon the completion of each item they were found to be done just “as the Lord had commanded Moses: (39:5, 7, 26, 29, 31). They are called especially those who have a ministerial capacity, must take extreme care to be obedient in the observance of the Lord’s commands.

         Those who are honored to wear the holy garments of service are expected to serve others, just as did our great High Priest, Jesus Christ who came as a servant to the world (Matthew 20:28). Believers in Him are said in the Bible to be spiritual priests whose garments are righteousness (Rev. 19:8; further symbolic significance is explained in the comments on Exodus 28). “Holiness to the Lord” is the motto and banner of believers. It was written upon the high priest’s crown for all to see, just as it should be clearly evident in the conduct and conversation of believers today. They are the spiritual priesthood of Jesus Christ and as such must bear the image of God’s holiness and thereby be Christ-like.

         The completion of all the work took a relatively short period of time (possibly between five to seven months) considering the greatness of the project. All the people were enthusiastic, zealous, unified, and pleased to be of service to their God, therefore the work would restore the temple, and upon its completion we are told that he and all the people “rejoiced that God prepared the people, since the events took place so suddenly” (2 Chronicles 29:36). In the same way, finished, and there must have been even greater rejoicing, for this was the first time the house of the Lord had been established among them. The Spiritual of God was the actual designer, architect, builder and teacher. He worked through Bezaleel, Aholiab, and even all the workers involved; they were divinely guided and thus prevented from making grave mistakes which would have held up the construction. Since they followed God’s orders exactly, it must have been a breathtaking sight to behold, for it was actually conceived in the mind of God, and they could never hope to improve upon it or beatify it. In the work of the Lord everything must be done according to His will, and then the outcome will be beautiful.

         Out of respect for Moses, the people brought all the finished work to him that he might compare it with the instructions he had received from God. Every piece was mentioned again (39:33-41) for they were all very important in God’s service. Likewise, God is interested in and knows by name each person dedicated to Him and His service. Each individual’s offerings and works are important and do not go unnoticed by Him, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem to others.

         The climax came when Moses viewed all the work and found it done exactly “as the Lord commanded” (39:43; the key verse). For him, all the people, and especially for the Lord, this was to their great pleasure and satisfaction. The finished product must have thrilled Moses tremendously, and after seeing it, he gave a blessing (more valuable than wages to those who labored. As well as receiving a blessing, those workers were honored to be a part of God’s work and would receive much benefit from the tabernacle and its services. We as God’s children should ensure everything we do is in His will and done satisfaction, and with that receive His blessing.


         O God, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said He would build His Church. Build in my life according to Your blueprints so that You will some day say, to the glory of Jesus Christ, “Well done”.

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